The objectives of the Chair are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and reflect the work carried out at the World Summit on the Information Society, while referring to the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.
Africa, Asia, Latin America and their relations with the rest of the world are at the heart of the Chair's work.
Four Specific Objectives
Research in emerging technologies for developmental purposes
Support development actions through capacity building
Serve as a laboratory of ideas and a forum for mediation between academia, civil society, local communities, and political decision-makers
Enhance the work of researchers in the South by creating a scientific journal.
The journal published on Revue.org allows everyone to produce articles in their own language. Articles in French are available alongside texts in English, Portuguese, or Swahili.
The Chair develops sustained partnerships with universities and research laboratories in other countries - mainly in the South but not exclusively - other international organisations and private sector.